The future of


Tuesday to Saturday, from 10h to 14h and from 17h to 21h
Sundays and public holidays, from 10h to 14h

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Plaza Lucas Miret, s/n
50.018 Zaragoza

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Mobility museum

The Zaha Hadid Bridge opens its doors as the first Mobility Technology Museum of the 21st century. It is a focal point in the field of new mobility and one of the world’s leading examples of what the cities of the future and the movement of people through them will be like.

Innovation Space


This space, which is freely accessible and located in the bridge’s central passageway, displays the vision and ideas for the future of the most prominent brands operating in the mobility ecosystem.

Experience space
Experience space


An area where advanced audiovisual technologies can be used and a gamification approach to content can be implemented.

In an effort to entertain, excite and teach visitors how to approach their own mobility in a proper and sustainable way, this area has been created in which they can enjoy different mobility-related experiences by means of virtual reality, simulators, augmented reality and other touch-screen content.

Zaha Hadid Bridge

Zaha Hadid Bridge

The Zaha Hadid Bridge was among the emblematic buildings at the International Expo held in Zaragoza in the summer of 2008. A symbol of modernity for this city that is now an epicentre of future mobility innovation.

The renowned architect Zaha Hadid called the Zaragoza Bridge Pavilion one of the most important projects of her career. It is 270 metres long and stretches over the Ebro River in a way that resembles a gladiolus.

Zaha Hadid

Zaha Hadid


The woman who revolutionised 21st century architecture and put it at the service of social progress.

Her designs embody a framework of modernity that lights the way to a future where everything is yet to be imagined and invented.

The space

Zaha Hadid’s Bridge (Bridge Pavilion) is an avant-garde space that houses the Mobility Museum, a focal point for product and service presentations, as well as business, educational, cultural and recreational activities, making it one of the main attractions in Spain’s northeastern region.

It is divided into 4 main spaces, some of which are open to the public while others have controlled access.

Free access

Reserved access on request

Museum access